But sometimes TrueCaller shows you a wrong name. A TechWelkin reader recently sent us a message saying that he is a Senior Criminal Lawyer but TrueCaller shows his name with a prefix Senior Criminal! Such things can be very embarrassing and you would want to correct your name in the TrueCaller database. In this article, we are going to learn how to change your wrong name in TrueCaller database.

Reasons of TrueCaller Showing Wrong Name

TrueCaller gathers name and other details from the phone books of the mobiles on which TrueCaller app has been installed. So, TrueCaller basically crowd-source the information. Let’s say your name is John Doe and you work at a pizza outlet. It is possible that a number of your customers save your name as “John Pizza Delivery” in their phone books. When TrueCaller will gather this information from many phone books, it will assume that your phone number belongs to a person whose name is John Pizza Delivery. Also, if your current phone number previously belonged to someone else, TrueCaller database may be carrying the old information. It often happens when you newly acquire a new phone number. Therefore, we have two main reasons of TrueCaller showing your name wrong:

How to Change a Wrong Name in TrueCaller Database

Method 1

The best way to fix a wrong name in TrueCaller database is to install the TrueCaller app (Android | iPhone | Windows Phone | BlackBerry) on your mobile phone. You’re done! TrueCaller database has been updated and your wrong name has been corrected. Now, when you’ll call someone who does not have your phone number in their phone book, they will see your correct name in TrueCaller.

Method 2

Go to the TrueCaller website web page and login using your Google account (or any other method that is offered). After login, search for your mobile number. You should get a screen similar to this:

Now click on SUGGEST NAME option. You will get the following screen:

On this screen you can change the display name for TrueCaller app. Just enter the new name and submit the form. As you can see, this process does not verify you as the owner of the phone number. So, anyone can make a suggestion for changing anyone’s name in TrueCaller database. If the TrueCaller staff will think that the suggestion was wrong, they will not make the requested change. Consequently, this second method may or may not work. It is better to use the first method but if you’re in a hurry or don’t have a mobile internet connection to download the app, you can use the name suggestion facility. Remember that both the above methods may take some time to reflect changes made by you. You may not expect that the corrected name will immediately begin to reflect on TrueCaller. So, this is how you can change your name in TrueCaller database. This really helps you if TrueCaller is showing wrong name. Should you have any questions related to this topic, please feel free to ask us in the comments section below. We will try to assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!

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