Special Features

St. Patrick’s Day: Until Recently, More Dallas than DublinHow the Irish celebrate their holiday St. Pat’s Day by the Numbers24% percent of Massachusetts residents are of Irish ancestry Those Quotable IrishJohn Millington Synge, W.B. Yeats, and others Irish ProverbsA good beginning is half the work Encyclopedia: Saint PatrickFrom enslaved herdsman to Christian missionary In the Company of St. PatrickTen major Irish saints

History and Background

What’s the Symbolism of the Irish Flag?Rarely has a flag possessed such relevance Almanac: IrelandGeography, history, politics, statistics Encyclopedia: Land, People, History of Ireland32,598 sq. miles and one-third of Britain’s size The Northern Irish Conflict: A ChronologyGeography, history, and overview of the peace process

Literature and Language

Notable Irish Writers"The Irish, condemned to express themselves in a language not their own, have stamped on it the mark of their own genius." —James Joyce In Joyce’s WakeToday’s Irish writers live up to legend Encyclopedia: Irish languageThe roots of the Gaelic language Irish Literature & Folklore Quiz Irish English Quiz

More Fun Stuff

St. Patrick’s Day Slider Game   St. Patrick’s Day Hangman Game   St. Patrick’s Day Activities from FamilyEducation.com

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