The survey revealed that big mouths face greatest risk of getting unfriend. Close to 68% respondents said that they will unfriend anyone who brags or boasts too much on Facebook. 61% survey takers said that they unfriend those who post a lot about their romantic affairs. Other common reasons for unfriending include too many updates, “annoying” posts and “inappropriate photos”, while more than a quarter of users said they found a friend’s status posts “too personal”, British newspaper, The Telegraph, reported. Over 50% respondents said that they unfriended someone because they did not meet the person in real world. Bad mouthing is also a big reason for unfriending. Reasons of unfriending actually go beyond these rather understandable ones. 11% respondents said that when they feel jealous about their friend enjoying their holidays –they will consider unfriending. 15% people revealed that they  had deleted a friend when that contact started adding friends from their contact list without actually knowing the people. I am sure excessive tagging will also be a reason causing some level of unfriending. I am in the favor of simplifying Facebook life. A smaller number of close friends can interact and share things much better than a large number of unknown “friends”. I hope it was useful for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help. Thank you for using TechWelkin!