burrow (n.) A hole or tunnel in the ground made by a rabbit, fox, or similar animal for habitation and refuge: The wombat escaped the heat of the day by crawling into his burrow. dermal shield (n.) A plate of bone, muscle, and cartilage: When a wombat is threatened, it hurries inside its burrow and blocks the entrance with its dermal shield, located on its behind. herbivore (n.) Animals whose diets consist wholly or largely of plant matter: The wombat is a herbivore, consisting on grasses, roots, and bark. incisor (n.) Any of the four anterior teeth in each jaw, used for cutting and gnawing.: The wombat’s incisors never stop growing; they are kept from getting too long by animal’s constant gnawing. marsupial (n.) Mammals that have pouches: Wombat babies spend 6 to 12 months inside its mother’s pouch. nocturnal (adj.) Active at night: Wombats are nocturnal; they leave their burrows at night to go in search of food. subterranean (adj.) Existing, situated, or operating below the surface of the earth; underground. : The wombat spends the majority of the day in its subterranean burrow. tactile (adj.) Of, pertaining to, endowed with, or affecting the sense of touch: The wombat is a highly tactile animal, having a highly developed sense of touch. thigmotaxis (n.) Movement of an organism toward or away from any object that provides a mechanical stimulus: The highly tactile wombat is an example of positive thigmotaxis, as it likes feeling the confines of its burrow. vibrissae (n.) One of the stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as a whisker of a cat: The wombat’s sense of touch is enhanced by vibrissae located on its forward body.